Thursday, May 3, 2012

A tv show that I surprisingly liked

Something that has perked my interest in my new breeze in watching way more tv than I should, is the tv show How to Look Good Naked and not because I think having newd pictures of women is a good thing but because of what they try to do.
Women are notorious when it comes to their self esteem about their bodies. You go up to any woman you know and ask her what she doesn't like about her body and most of the time she will give you a list of body parts. She'll have a very hard time saying what she likes about her body. This show tries to bring a woman's self esteem about her own body, the body God gave her and is proud of, up a notch. That is amazing.
Many years ago, I had a horrible self esteem about my personality. I've mentioned it in other blogs so I won't go into it, but since then I have felt a heart for all those women lied at by Satan. I don't just feel sad for them. It makes me literally angry at the being that did this to them. God made every woman beautiful. They just need to know that to let that beauty shine. God does not make crappy work. So this show was pretty amazing in my mind. 

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