Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Three Things of Interest

Because I am currently minus a job, I have had time to explore the many deep reaches of the internet and gaming world. That's right, I'm a nerd, but not quite a gaming nerd. I don't game that much.
This gives me three things to tell you about.

My first thing is, of course, a nerdy thing: Skyrim. It is made by the same creators of the Fallout series (another favorite of mine) and Oblivion, so basically it is a game where you explore, make decisions which effects your character's morals, go on quests, and basically get killed a million times if you are me. Still, though I have to save often, it is fun, because I like the freedom to do what I want when I want. There is not linear progression which is mandatory and I can choose to upgrade where I want. For instance I could be an amazing blacksmith but a horrible swords smith. Right now, I'm a mage class human who is also good with the sword and bow and arrow. The one bad thing about that is I don't grow strong in just magical powers or just swordplay. It makes the progress in one's growth as a magician fairly slow, but it's worth it cause I have magical armor that protects me from both the sword and spells, and I can defeat things that I wouldn't have otherwise.
My point to you is, if you are a person who loves games where you can just wander and build up the character, than this is the game for you.

The next thing, or I should say person, which/who has caught my attention is Felicia Day. She has become quite the hero to the nerd world; after all she is smart, beautiful, and games. See! We are cool too. On youtube I am now subscribed to two of her programs: Geek and Sundry, and Felicia Day.
Here are the sights:

Lastly is my short term fascination with a church in Kansas. I'm not going to say their name, because I don't have anything good to say about them. I was just so awestruck at how much hatred they showed that I couldn't stop researching them. Not once in the full amount of time that I looked them up did I see anything loving about them. They are a church? Isn't that what they are supposed to preach? I kind of felt sorry for the children of the church because of the brain washing and the constant preaching they were being inundated with.
Thankfully my cousin stepped in and reminded me that I was doing exactly the same thing as them: judging. I don't want to be that person. So, my obsession is over, and I learned an important lesson: don't worry about what other people are doing wrong (especially if I can't do anything about them), but about myself, and how I can better myself in the Kingdom that is God's.

Well thank you for reading my blog

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