Monday, December 14, 2009


People have often wondered why God doesn't bless them more. They ask the question of why do bad things happen to good people. Questions are amazingly good things to ask they make us think. However, why have we never asked the question, why does God bless us?
Throughout history the gods of the earth have been known to be cold and distant and these are the good gods! Today people still worship spirits to keep away from them! They are not asking for blessings, but simply that the god will leave them alone. 
Its amazing how many blessings God does show us if we just pay attention. Fine, they are not all life changing, but awestriking, chest constricting, tears in the eyes, blessing they certainly are. For the last week I have been sailing with the African Mercy on the open seas. There is not a bit of land in sight. At night, the only lights to be seen is from the stars and our ship. Little my blessings may be, but incredibly special they are. Just yesterday, they turned off the eighth deck lights (top open air deck) in favor of the meteor shower. I have seen the wonder of the stars before in such glory, because of the countries I have visited, but you add shower of meteors, churning waves beneath, and the wind in my hair, and it was pure bliss. With every star that fell I felt God's blessing. 
That is not the end of the blessings God has bestowed on me. In my trip, I have seen dolphins, water spots, the topmost of whales, and I've had the infinite joy of friendships. Hmmmm God has been great to me. I could tell you all my sorrows, and the pains, but what is the point of  that? That is the past and I look forward into the future, excited for what God has in store. 
May God bless you with the little things
May rainbows, and flowers, may friendships, 
and aquaintances, and all those little things
that seem so little to anyone else
bless you imensly
God bless

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